Best Virtual Fundraising Campaign Ideas

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, fundraisers like you have had to become creative to engage and connect with your donors. Today, we will be diving into a few ways your nonprofit can diversify your digital fundraising plan. We will also provide you with a few virtual fundraising campaign ideas and help you incorporate these ideas into your annual fundraising plan.
1) Launch a Giving Day with Matching Donor Challenges
You are likely familiar with the largest giving day movement #GivingTuesay. However, like The Big Give San Antonio, you can create your own giving day amongst your chapters, affiliates, or departments.
If you don’t have a giving day on your organization’s calendar, this is a great time to add one in addition to Giving Tuesday.
Whichever day you choose to participate, the key is to look for matching donors to create fundraising challenges to unlock more matching donor funds or prizes. The 24-hour challenge and matching donors create a sense of urgency to encourage friendly competition and to get your supporters involved.
Finding matching donors is easier than you think. Look at recent larger $1,000+ donors or corporate partners and reach out about applying their gift as a matching challenge.
Our client, The Greater Vancouver Food Bank raised over $309,000 in just 36 hours with a $50,000 matching challenge via Safeway. Every dollar raised was doubled for the first $50,000 donated and the organization found great success mobilizing its supporters to unlock this generous gift.
2) Empower Your Supporters with DIY Fundraising Tools
We’ve previously discussed the importance of having a do-it-yourself fundraising site to empower your supporters and have them get involved and fundraise their way with the encouragement provided by your team.
With many people staying closer to home because of the pandemic – now is a great time to incorporate DIY fundraising into your strategy.
Ramp up your coaching efforts by:
- Providing fundraisers with a toolkit
- Creating clubs based on fundraising levels
- Launching Facebook groups exclusively for your fundraisers
Take a look at the DIY fundraising site we built for our client, Rady Children’s Hospital for their Miracle Makers program.
3) Launch a Facebook Birthday Campaign
Wish your constituents a happy birthday and invite them to celebrate with you by creating a Facebook fundraiser in your organization’s honor. Here’s how you can ask your supporters to start a Facebook fundraiser based on their birthdays:
- Segment your email list with a group of upcoming birthdays within your supporters
- Create a survey campaign asking constituents to pledge their birthday and reach out to them a month before their birthday
- Use Facebook ads to target your followers and other audiences based on their birthdays
4) Create a Symbolic Giving Catalog
A symbolic giving catalog allows your supporters to buy a gift for their friends, family, or co-workers and send a personalized note while giving back. We helped create Lurie Children’s Feel Good Gifts catalog tying their mission to each gift.
We recommend complimenting your virtual gifting catalog with a print edition, an email campaign, and paid Facebook and Instagram ads to help get the word out.
Need help putting together your symbolic giving catalogue? We can help you launch one for the upcoming holiday season.
5) Host a Virtual Fundraising Campaign Event
Some of our favorite components of hosting a virtual event include:
- Live streaming capabilities via Facebook Live or Instagram Live
- Ramping up social media efforts and interacting with your followers
- Intensify your personal outreach – pick up the phone and have a conversation
- Connect participants with each other through Facebook groups or weekly Zoom meetings
- Sending captain kits with tools, tips, and a freebie based on fundraising levels
Our client, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles did an amazing job pivoting their annual Walk and Play L.A. into a pre-recorded virtual event with celebrity messages, musical acts, a group warm-up, and more! Every week leading up to the virtual event, a new activity or challenge video was released on Facebook for participants. The virtual walk ended up going over their fundraising goal and surpassed last year’s total!
6) Compliment Your Direct Mail Fundraising with an Integrated Digital Campaign
Leverage your direct mail pieces and integrate them with your digital campaign. Creating a cohesive campaign across all channels: direct mail, email, organic and paid social media, allows you to reach your constituents at all touch points. Go a step further and personalize your content based on acquisition and how your donors interact with your organization.
Many of our clients email us their direct mail pieces and we create digital campaigns that convert and help lift your DM response rate.
Here’s how we do it:
- Repurpose your DM copy for your email campaign
- Segment with different copy for your donor groups
- Design and add imagery and email stationary
- Add tracking links and donate buttons
- Test the user experience across various browsers and mobile sizes
- Design ad creative and copy for your paid Facebook and Instagram ads
- BONUS! We can also build a custom, branded landing page depending on the campaign
We Are Here For You!
As the year continues to unfold, it’s inevitable that plans will need to be adjusted. We hope this is a good framework to help your team start diversifying your digital fundraising beyond in-person events. If you need help implementing your ideas or looking for ways to reimagine your virtual fundraising campaign – reach out to one of our senior consultants today.