How-To Reach Your Peer-To-Peer Fundraising Goal: Post-Event

We are heading into peak Peer-to-Peer (P2P) event season!
Which means we are seeing a calendar FULL of upcoming run, walks and rides for our nonprofit clients over the next couple months. Many nonprofits have also started utilizing these peer-to-peer fundraising trends.
For many P2P fundraising events, it’s no secret that the goal can be lofty. So, what happens when the event comes and goes, and you haven’t quite hit your fundraising goal? Luckily, we’ve got you covered with a post-event plan that your nonprofit can plan ahead for and implement after the big day.
Here’s what we suggest:
Reach Out to Your Team Captains Post-event
Identify teams who didn’t reach their fundraising goal.
Pay attention to those who are close to their goal – they may be eager to reach their number. Communicate with the team captain and see if they are willing to help you accomplish your goal by reaching theirs.
Remember, they are passionate about the cause too. If they are a veteran team, ask if they might be missing any donations from friends or family who typically donate every year. If that’s the case, suggest that they reach out to their main donors to see if they can count on their support once again. Some donors may have had the intention to contributeand just need an email with a little reminding.
Could a corporate team reach out to their HR department or employer about matching the amount raised by team members? Every little bit counts!
The Post-Event Self-donation
Check to see if your participants made a self-donation. Though many participants fundraise, they don’t all personally donate. Once you identify participants who didn’t self-donate, send out an email with your plea.
Encourage participants to self-donate as early as they can in the process. People who make a self-donation, typically raise more money and their initial donation will inspire friends and family to also donate.
Missing Teams or Participants
Did your event miss a team who usually participates every year?
It’s likely that they had a conflict on event day, but don’t count them out as a fundraiser. Usually team captains aren’t aware that they can still register for an event and fundraise virtually.
Zero Dollar Fundraisers
Have any zero dollar fundraising teams?
Perhaps there were some teams who registered and participated but didn’t fundraise (especially if you have no registration fee). These teams are worth investigating. Once identified, determine the best strategy whether it’s a simple email campaign, a phone call or both to provide them with a bit of support or encouragement.
Fundraising Prizes
Do you offer incentives for participants who reach certain fundraising levels? Perhaps it’s a t-shirt or some other fun merchandise that represents your cause. Uncover those participants who are close to qualifying, reach out and see if they might be willing to contribute to get their hands on your fantastic swag.
Go for The Post-Event Ask
There’s no shame in not reaching your goal by the event date but you may miss out on potential donors if you don’t share your total.
Take to your social media channels and ask for help in reaching the goal. Be sure to provide a link so your supporters can easily donate. Don’t stop there, keep sharing your progress and thermometer until the goal is reached. It will keep the momentum going!
Partner with Local Businesses
Local establishments and restaurant chains are often willing to do a Dine + Donate – where a percentage of sales on a given day goes back to a certain cause.
Don’t limit yourself to just the restaurant industry.
Ask other local businesses to help you reach your fundraising goal by running a round-up campaign or by asking customers if they’d like to donate a specified amount upon checkout.
Often times it takes a combination of the above efforts, but the results can add up and can bring you closer to your fundraising goal.
What are your strategies for achieving your goals post-event?
Need help setting up a pre or post-event plan for your Peer-to-Peer event?
Contact us to schedule a complimentary call with one of our Senior Digital Fundraising Strategists and let us know what we can assist you with.