4 Proven Digital Fundraising Strategies to Make Your Giving Tuesday Campaign Stand Out

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving inspired by generosity and gratitude. It’s an exciting day for nonprofits, which, in turn, makes it a super-saturated market for fundraising.
From increasing year-end donations to new donor acquisition, every organization will have their own goals for Giving Tuesday. Whatever they may be, there are some proven digital fundraising strategies that can improve engagement, drive traffic, and make your Giving Tuesday campaign stand out.
1. Craft Your Message Carefully
Our friends at M+R Benchmark have compiled an excellent list of subject ledes that convert, giving you a step up in copywriting and getting your campaigns started, whether for social media or email. While all the bells and whistles can be fun and useful (keep reading), strong copy is essential for a successful campaign.
2. Dress (Your Emails) For Success
Once you have a solid foundation with words, you can elevate your emails to boost engagement with personalization and interactive design. Having your prospects and donors see their name being called out in their inbox among the thousands of “give now” messages will help you stand out on high-traffic days like Giving Tuesday.
3. Remember The Big Picture
In a field of daisies, be a wildflower. But when everyone’s goal is to gather donations, standing out can be challenging. Remembering that Giving Tuesday is just one day of the entire year-end fundraising season can help redefine your goals for Giving Tuesday.
Richstone Family Center did just that. Instead of driving traffic to give, we worked together to create a stewardship-focused campaign for Giving Tuesday 2023, directing folks to read their Annual Report and download recipes inspired by the center’s community garden. They saw 32% more engagement compared to their traditional solicitation emails, and without explicitly asking for donations during Giving Tuesday, they saw a 19% increase in average gift year-over-year when their year-end fundraising was finished.
4. Close The Loop
Giving is just one part of Giving Tuesday. Gratitude is another. Once the day is over, a thank you message is imperative, whether you’ve taken a strong appeal approach or a softer stewardship direction. Too often, thank you emails aren’t included in strategy and are overlooked. These heartfelt messages can make a huge difference in donor retention, longevity, and overall revenue, even if they don’t collect donations directly. Thank you emails are one of our favorite year-end emails and a way to fuel the long Q4 giving season.
Giving Tuesday is an inspiring day for so many — organizations, those impacted by them, and the donors who make it all possible. The best way to compete for the limelight is to be authentic, have fun, and don’t miss out on the big picture. Don’t forget, we’re here to help if you need it!
By Monica Schmidt