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The latest in digital fundraising news

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Our Blog

The latest in digital fundraising news

April 26, 2023

5 Ways to Improve TeamRaiser Participant Center with Blackbaud’s Spam Prevention Update

With the changes to Luminate Online’s email functionality in the Participant Center, here are five ways that you can improve participant user experience.
April 25, 2023

Download Your Digital Fundraising Strategies Guide

Our Digital Fundraising Strategies Guide will help you evaluate your technology, implement a donor journey and report on the results.
April 21, 2023

3 Ways to Improve Your Fiscal Year End Campaign

Fiscal year end giving is not necessarily important for your donors. Here are some tips to look through the donor’s eye to solicit donations.
April 12, 2023

What We’re Reading: Spring 2023 Edition

At Doing Good Digital, we work hard to stay on top of the latest nonprofit news, fundraising trends, and best practices. Read the latest industry news and articles that we’ve been flagging as a team and talking about: Comprehensive Guide to Google Analytics 4 for Nonprofits If you’ve been in […]

Check out our Resource Hub

Unlock exclusive insights, strategies, and tools designed to lift your digital fundraising efforts. Sign up today to access:

  • Reports and Guides: Our team has a strong expertise in digital and technology and we work together to create guides and reports on various topics to share with you.
  • Exclusive Templates: In addition to reports and guides, we develop templates that you can access and use in your digital fundraising program today!
  • Stay Updated: As a part of our community, you will receive our newsletter that is full of information to enhance your digital fundraising efforts and regular case studies on our work to spark ideas.

The Digital Fundraising Podcast

Check out our new podcast -- available on Spotify!


Ready to do some good?

We’re always open to a good conversation about you, your needs and your goals.
We can help! Feel free to reach out!


Ready to do some good?

We’re always open to a good conversation about you, your needs and your goals. We can help! Feel free to reach out!